Griffin Leo Coastal Single

C1X Leo Coastal Single

C2X Leo Coastal double

The new Leo Racing Griffin
Developed from the sucessfull C1X

The new Griffin is developed for speed, it is stable on corse, turns well and is excellent to surf with. The ergonomics of the boat are developed and improved to be able to have the best settings for every rower!
Eskil has been involved in the design of the Griffin. Eskil is a specialist in setting the optimal rig and boat settings for racing and recrerational.
Griffin is a great boat, awesome to have won out on racing courses. Silver medal at ERCC 2023 and also winning the Swedish championship 2023. In 2024 winning the gold at ERCC 2024 in Gdánsk. Extra fun is also to have been involved of the rowing ergonomic of Griffin.

For the fourth time in a row the awesome team are at the podium with the Leo C2X. This time a Silver. Making it two golds and two silvers in total.
The new Leo Racing C2X, Carbon
Equipped with new developed Reverse Wings

We have the best sculls for coastal rowing, combined with our huge knowledge and experience we can help you out in your decision making what is best for your need.
General agent for Braca Sports
Sea launch trolley

Our trolleys for the boats comes in two models. One in aluminum that is very stable and simple to turn when launching your boat into the sea. And one smaller version to place in the rear of the C1X.

The 2024 World Rowing Coastal Championships will be held 6 to 8 September in Genoa, Italy.
Crews will race 4km or 6km around a course of buoys and turning points in the open sea, providing some exhiting races.
Leo Coastal is Official Boat provider.
Griffin Leo C1X
Leo C2X racing
Contact us for more info.